Neon Revival: The Return of Portola’s Avenue Theater / by Michael Steiner


It seems an understatement to read the latest cover story from SF Weekly describing the Portola as “The Best Little Neighborhood You’ve Never Heard Of”.  Strolling past the didactic murals of San Bruno Avenue, the community gardens and urban greening movement, the pocket park and the blossoming eateries, one could wonder, “what’s missing?”

How about the Avenue Theater – the “physical and figurative heart” of the Portola?

Built in 1927 and faithful to the Art Deco architecture of the era, the theater and the façade have fallen into dilapidation and decay over the past few decades.  Almost three years ago Steiner Architecture embarked on an effort as the Architect of Record for the Avenue Theater facade renovation spearheaded by the Portola Neighborhood Association and in collaboration with a large team of stakeholders, volunteers and contributors. 

The “brightest” highlight of the $250,000 asset activation grant from the SF Office of Economic and Workforce Development includes a renovation of the marquee and the Avenue’s neon sign.  Featured in SF Weekly’s NEON REVIVAL, the repair work is underway and the rally to save the Portola’s theater is in full swing.

It is amazing to see this community effort taking shape and the work finally come to fruition.